This new web site went live earlier, and will provide veterinarians, their staff and their clients with quick tidbits of information regarding current situations facing their clients and how it may impact their patients.  Veterinary clinics can also share these “bits” with their clients via the social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Some “bits” include:

  • Even dogs have to practice social distancing
  • Working from home is still work; how to make time for your pet
  • Pandemics change pets too is also being promoted on the most recent podcast on Pet Life Radio:  Podcast – Separation Anxiety – Pet Life Radio.   You may recall we did a suture advertisement last month this VetCandy podcast.  That podcast has been downloaded over 12,000 times in the last 30 days, and is still available for you to forward as well: Podcast – Surgery by VetCandy – Pet Life Radio.  All of this content can be found at

Rachel Dymon Regional Sales Representative. W: (413) 695-8992