Category Latest Posts

Phovia by Vetoquinol

Phovia is a novel way to manipulate the function of cells within the dermis and epidermis, to reduce inflammation but still accelerate regeneration. It is a two-part system, comprising a LED lamp and a chromophore gel, used together, they produce multi-wavelength fluorescent light…

Beware Fraud!

As fraud attempts are increasing against businesses and individuals across the globe, Patterson Vet would like to partner with you, our customers, to prevent any loss. Below you will find an explanation of a common fraud scheme and best practices…

Elanco Price Increase 12/1/21

Elanco Logo

We want to inform you of price changes impacting certain Elanco Animal Health products, effective December 1, 2021. Please refer to the price sheet mailed to you or click to download for updated information.  The following brands will not be included in…

Phovia by Vetoquinol

Phovia is a novel way to manipulate the function of cells within the dermis and epidermis, to reduce inflammation but still accelerate regeneration. It is a two-part system, comprising a LED lamp and a chromophore gel, used together, they produce multi-wavelength fluorescent light…

Tech Week Course Gift-Contest

Dear Veterinary Technicians, The past year and a half has been tough, but particularly on veterinary technicians as they have adjusted to a completely new way of providing patient care. This year, NAVTA’s chosen theme for Veterinary Technician Week is…